Sedation Dentistry

Sedation Dentistry refers to the way a dentist can manage pain and anxiety during dental appointments. Sedation Dentistry helps eliminate the anxieties that you feel at the dental office and virtually eliminates the pain associated with dental procedures.

At Branch Street Dental, we are trained and certified in a form of sedation dentistry call Oral Conscious Sedation or OCS. OCS is a safe and simple way to significantly reduce or eliminate dental fear and anxiety by simply taking an oral medication.

Unlike General Anesthesia where a patient is completely unconscious, asleep, and unable to respond, patients under Oral Conscious Sedation are able to respond to conversations and breathe on their own.
woman sleeping
Also unlike General Anesthesia or I.V. Sedation, Oral Conscious sedation does not require needles to administer and does not have the higher fees associated with I.V. Sedation.

If you’re terrified of the dentist or just too busy for multiple visits, OCS lets you get ALL of your dental work done in as little as ONE appointment…in the most comfortable, stress –free way possible.

Here’s How It Works

Step 1: Making you first appointment:
This is difficult for many anxious people, so we try to make this as easy as possible.

Step 2: Welcoming Visit.
We gather information regarding your health and discuss with you your wants and desires. If you’re comfortable, we’ll take x-rays and look in your mouth. But you will never be judged or embarrassed.

Step 3: Preparing for your sedation visit.
We’ll give you prescription for a sedative to take the night before your first appointment to guarantee a good night’s sleep and to make sure you wake up relaxed

Step 4: Your companion will bring you to the office. Additional medications will be provided to create the ultimate in relaxation. Our experienced sedation team will monitor you throughout your entire visit.

Step 5: Going home with your new smile.
Your companion will take you home and stay with you until you’re completely recovered from your sedation medication.

Step 6: Most patients feel no discomfort or residual effect form the dental visit and you’ll be thrilled with all the compliments you will get.

Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have about oral conscious sedation and one our caring staff members will be happy to assist you.
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New Patient Special


Dental Exam, X-Rays & Cleaning

Sedation Dentistry

We do not accept MassHealth, Medicaid and state insurance at the time.

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